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5 Communication Tips for Recruiters to Bridge the Gap with Designers

Posted On Friday, July 12, 2024

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

For a recruiter, finding the right talent is key, but communicating effectively with designers can be just as crucial. Designers have two primary ways of conveying their ideas. The first is through their creations, known as ‘aesthetic communication,’ which speaks in a silent, visual language. The second involves discussing projects and contracts, termed ‘professional communication,’ which is more direct and straightforward.

While designers often excel in aesthetic communication, many struggle with the professional side. Effective communication in the recruitment industry is essential, especially when connecting with freelance designers who must manage client interactions and project details.

To help recruiters foster better relationships with designers, here are five handy communication tips to ensure smooth and productive interactions.

1. Choose the Right Communication Medium

Selecting the appropriate medium for communication is crucial. Recruiters and designers often juggle various channels, from emails and social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to phone calls and text messages. Consistency is key—pick a primary method and stick to it. This keeps communication clear and organized.

For instance, if email is your preferred method, create a dedicated email account for professional interactions. This helps streamline conversations and ensures you can easily track important discussions without mixing them with personal correspondence.

2. Establish a Communication Routine

Just like a well-structured recruitment process, having a communication routine is essential. Set up a plan for how and when you’ll communicate and inform designers about it from the get-go.

Your plan should outline greeting protocols, expected response times, and what to do if an alternative communication method is needed. Clear guidelines help prevent misunderstandings and keep everyone on the same page.

3. Keep Detailed Records

Maintaining written records is a hallmark of professionalism. For recruiters managing multiple candidates and clients, taking notes ensures clear and organized communication. Document contact information, meeting details, financial agreements, and feedback from both parties.

For email conversations, it’s helpful to keep all related messages in one thread. This provides a comprehensive history of the discussion, making it easier to resolve any issues that might arise.

4. Practice Politeness

Good manners go a long way in professional communication. Whether you’re speaking, writing, or emailing, being polite is essential. This is especially important for recruiters working with designers, as maintaining a respectful tone can foster positive relationships.

Even when faced with challenging situations or difficult clients, staying calm and courteous is vital. In emails, follow netiquette by using simple but meaningful phrases like “please” and “thank you.” These small gestures can significantly impact how you are perceived.

5. Avoid Overusing Design Jargon

While designers are comfortable with technical terms, excessive jargon can confuse clients and non-designers. When discussing projects with clients or stakeholders, use clear, simple language.

If you need to use specific design terms, provide brief explanations in brackets. This ensures everyone involved understands the conversation, preventing any confusion or misinterpretation.

Wrapping It Up

Effective communication is a skill that every recruiter should hone, especially when working with designers. By choosing the right medium, establishing a communication routine, keeping detailed records, practicing politeness, and avoiding jargon, you can enhance your interactions and build stronger professional relationships.

Remember, great communication leads to better relationships and more successful projects. Happy recruiting!

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.