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5 Ways to Increase Visibility and Engagement for Your Online Brand

Posted On Monday, December 2, 2019

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

Building a clear and interactive online brand presence is key to growing engagement. The more people feel they know you, the more potential there is for them to like you, and the more they like you, the higher the probability they will trust you! Here are five easy ways to increase your brand’s visibility and engagement by extending your reach to more individuals and communities.

1. Build online communities

Find platforms where you can create an online community around your brand. Many businesses have done this through Facebook groups, and you can also establish common interest groups on LinkedIn. Find the platform(s) where your ideal clients are most active, and build a community there. This online community should be a place of value for your ideal clients and customers so that they are motivated to participate and engage. For example, consider using LinkedIn specifically if your target audience are professionals. Begin to cultivate a sense of community among members that aligns with your brand, products, or services. Soon enough, group members will naturally begin to recommend your brand/services to others because value and trust has been established.

2. Be intentional and be present

Show up for both current and potential clients in these online communities, and do so consistently. Monitor the activity in the online community group and engage with it. Be sure to address all messages and/or comments as best you can; unanswered questions or requests will likely cause you to lose loyal supporters.

3. Know your competition

Do thorough research on other, similar online communities. How are these groups engaging with their members? Do you like what they’re doing? What do you dislike? Utilise what you find to be successful techniques and avoid what isn’t working so well.

4. Bring organic traffic to your site through optimisation

If your website’s optimisation is poor, it won’t draw much visibility or engagement even if you’ve got creative and unique content. Your website should be your most powerful platform, so keep it up to date and use SEO best practices (use appropriate keywords, include meta descriptions, etc.) in order to allow for more effective search engine optimisation.

5. Be strategic in how you share and distribute content

If you are sharing content or job ads, never share via a third-party web platform (such as Indeed or Seek). Those platforms will do the sharing for you. When you share, you want the link to connect directly back to your own website/platform. This will increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site. Once there, people are also more likely to browse your content and utilise your offerings (such as sign up for newsletters, for example). Finally, leverage the powers of social media! Sharing content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or what have you, especially in the online community forums mentioned above, will give your site/brand much more visibility.


Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.