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CSS Is Like Screening Resumes: Easier Said Than Done! (5 Reasons Why)

Posted On Monday, October 14, 2024

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

As recruiters, we deal with a lot of processes, just like developers do with languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Now, on paper, CSS seems like the no-brainer of the bunch—kind of like screening a resume. It’s straightforward, right? You just pick the skills, check the boxes, and call it a day. Or is it? 🤔

Well, much like recruiting, CSS seems easy until you’re deep in the weeds, wondering why nothing’s working the way you thought it would. Let me take you on a little journey to show why CSS—and recruiting—might be tougher than it looks!

1. No Error Report... Just Broken Layouts (or Misleading Resumes)

In coding, some languages will tell you exactly what’s wrong—like PHP, where error reports are your friend. But CSS? It’s the wild west out there! One misplaced semicolon, and your website looks like a broken jigsaw puzzle. Similarly, ever received a resume that looked flawless at first glance but turned out to be more fiction than fact? No error reports here, either! That typo in CSS or the resume detail that sounded too good to be true? They’ll both have you hunting for what went wrong for hours!

2. CSS Is Too Flexible... Like Job Requirements

“How do you center an object in CSS?” Ask five developers, and you’ll get five different answers. It’s flexible, sure, but also super confusing. Flexbox, grid, margin auto—so many options for something so simple. In recruiting, it’s the same thing with job requirements. One client might want “a people person,” while another insists on someone “data-driven,” and then they ask if you can magically find a unicorn that does both! Flexibility is great until it isn’t, and you find yourself questioning every move you make.

3. Browser Compatibility: The Nightmare That Is “Cultural Fit”

Browser compatibility in CSS is the stuff of nightmares—especially when you're stuck making an ancient Internet Explorer work with your shiny, modern site. It’s a little like trying to find the perfect “cultural fit” in recruiting. You might have a stellar candidate, but if they don’t align with the company’s unique vibe (or browser, in CSS terms), they’ll never click. And just like CSS hacks, you sometimes have to tweak things endlessly until it fits—cue the frustration.

4. CSS Specificity = Trying to Make Everyone Happy

CSS specificity is like playing detective. Some rules outweigh others, and when things go wrong, it’s an endless rabbit hole of troubleshooting. Similarly, in recruitment, you have to juggle client needs, candidate expectations, and hiring manager preferences. One small request from a client might throw the whole process into chaos—just like a pesky CSS rule that’s overriding your entire layout. You’ll spend hours tracking down what’s causing the issue!

5. CSS vs. Your Client = You vs. Client Feedback

CSS defines how things look, but design is subjective. Clients will always have opinions. “Make it pop!” they say, or “Can we move that by 1 pixel? No, wait, 5 pixels!” Sound familiar? It’s the same when you send over the perfect candidate, and the client says, “Great, but do they have experience with X?” Today they want a team player; tomorrow, it’s a lone wolf. No matter what you do, they’ll always want another tweak. And trust me, just like in CSS, you'll be pulling your hair out!

Wrap Up

CSS, much like recruiting, seems simple on the surface but quickly spirals into madness if you're not careful. Whether it’s browser compatibility, specificity, or trying to figure out how to meet everyone's needs, both CSS and recruitment require discipline, patience, and a whole lot of troubleshooting!

Have your own CSS—or recruitment—headaches to share? Let’s commiserate in the comments below! 💻👩‍💼

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.