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How a Bad Website Can Tank Your Recruitment Business

Posted On Friday, July 26, 2024

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

In the high-stakes world of recruitment, your website is your storefront. Consumer expectations for a responsive, immersive, and visually appealing website experience have never been higher. In fact, 72% of users report that a poorly designed website negatively affects their opinion of a business.

If your recruitment website looks like it belongs in the dial-up era, you might be losing potential clients, wasting money, increasing bounce rates, decreasing conversion rates, and damaging your SEO rankings. So, let's dive into what makes a website design bad and the four major negative effects it can have on your business.

What Makes a Bad Website Design?

Web design isn't just about pretty pictures; it's about creating an intuitive, cohesive, and user-friendly experience. Here are some common pitfalls:

Lack of Mobile-Friendliness

Sticking to one device type is so last decade. With 85% of adults expecting a website to look as good on mobile as on desktop, neglecting mobile optimization can alienate a huge chunk of your audience.

Difficult Navigation

If your site is harder to navigate than a labyrinth, you’re driving potential clients away. A whopping 42% of people will leave a website due to poor functionality.

Inconsistent Design or Branding

First impressions matter. Consistent design and branding can boost recognition by 80%. If your site looks like a mishmash of different styles, it screams unprofessional.

Cluttered Layout

Overwhelming your visitors with a cluttered layout is a fast track to high bounce rates. Simplify and de-clutter to keep users engaged.

Broken Links

Encountering a 404 error is like hitting a dead-end road. Nearly 74% of users will leave and not come back after hitting a broken link.

Excessive Pop-Ups or Ads

Interruptive pop-ups are the digital equivalent of an annoying salesperson. About 58% of people say pop-up ads are the most annoying type of digital ad.

Slow Loading Speeds

In our fast-paced world, nearly 70% of consumers say page speed impacts their willingness to buy from a site. Slow pages are a big no-no.

4 Negative Effects a Bad Website Design Has on Your Recruitment Business

1. Reduces Your Credibility

A staggering 75% of consumers judge a company’s credibility based on its website design. If your site looks like it hasn’t been updated since the early 2000s, potential clients and candidates will question your professionalism and reliability.

2. Wastes Your Money

A bad website doesn’t just repel visitors; it’s a financial drain. If potential clients can’t find what they need, they won’t stick around, and you’ll see a drop in leads and conversions. Plus, you’re wasting money on marketing, web design, hosting, and content that doesn’t convert.

3. Causes the Loss of Potential Clients

A negative online experience will send 88% of users running for the hills, never to return. If your site is slow, cluttered, or hard to navigate, potential clients and candidates will bounce to your competitors.

4. Affects Your SEO Rankings

A bad website can sabotage your SEO efforts. Google prioritizes high-quality, user-friendly sites with fast loading speeds, good mobile usability, and low bounce rates. If your site isn’t up to par, you’ll plummet in search rankings, making it hard for potential clients and candidates to find you.

Wrapping Up

In the recruitment industry, a well-designed website is crucial. It enhances user experience, builds trust and credibility, improves search engine rankings, increases conversions, and keeps visitors engaged. So, before you lose another client or candidate, take a good hard look at your website. Ask yourself when you last updated your content, how easy it is to navigate, and whether visitors can quickly understand what you offer.

Remember, in recruitment, your website isn’t just a digital business card; it’s your first impression, your credibility, and often your first touchpoint with clients and candidates. Make sure it’s one that stands out for all the right reasons.

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

Over 4 years account management experience, working with developers, recruiters, marketers and pretty much anyone in the recruitment business that wants to connect. 


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