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Recruitment Refined: Why Perfection Isn’t Always the Goal

Posted On Friday, August 30, 2024

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

Hey recruiters and talent hunters! Ever feel like you’re chasing the elusive "perfect candidate" or crafting the ultimate job listing? Striving for perfection in design and execution might sound ideal, but here’s why it’s not always the best approach. Let’s dive into how balancing creativity with practicality can yield better results

The Recruitment Perfection Trap

Imagine you’re designing the perfect candidate profile or job advertisement. Every tweak seems necessary, but the clock is ticking, and the market waits for no one. Just like in design, chasing perfection in recruitment can delay your process and cost you top talent. Sometimes, it’s better to get things done efficiently than perfectly.

The World Isn’t Perfect—And That’s Okay

Look around you. Is anything truly flawless? Your phone needs constant updates, your car requires maintenance, and even the best gadgets have quirks. Embracing imperfection in design teaches us a valuable lesson: striving for perfection can hinder progress.

Progress Over Perfection

In recruitment, focusing on perfect candidates or flawless job postings can be counterproductive. Instead, aim for practicality and functionality. Prioritize what truly matters—meeting hiring goals, filling positions efficiently, and ensuring a great fit for both candidate and company.

Why Perfection Can Be Harmful

Perfection can derail your goals. When recruiting, the primary aim is to find capable candidates and fill roles effectively. Obsessing over every detail—be it the design of your job ad or the exact qualifications of a candidate—can divert attention from your main objectives.

The Simplicity Advantage

Opting for straightforward solutions can yield better results. Launch your recruitment campaigns with the essentials in place. Once you have candidates in the pipeline, you can refine your approach based on real feedback and market response. This iterative process ensures that your efforts align with actual needs rather than hypothetical perfection.

Perfection Often Goes Unnoticed

Here’s the kicker: your extra effort toward perfection might not even be appreciated. Candidates and clients might not notice those tiny tweaks that consumed your time. They care about functionality, clarity, and results. So, focus on delivering a user-friendly experience over an immaculate but convoluted one.

Practical Steps for Recruiters

  1. Prioritize Goals Over Details: Focus on the core elements that drive results, like clear job descriptions and efficient application processes.

  2. Work Iteratively: Launch with a solid foundation and improve based on feedback. This agile approach keeps your recruitment process dynamic and responsive.

  3. Embrace "Good Enough": In recruitment, a "good enough" solution can often be more effective than a "perfect" one. Fill roles quickly and refine the process as you go.

Benefits of Practical Recruitment

  1. Faster Time-to-Hire: Get job postings out quickly, attract candidates, and start interviews sooner.

  2. Better Market Feedback: Learn what works from real-world interactions and adjust accordingly.

  3. Improved Efficiency: Spend less time on minutiae and more time on strategic activities that drive success.

The Iterative Recruitment Approach

Divide tasks into two categories: Essentials and Details. Focus on essentials first—key job requirements, clear application instructions, and initial candidate outreach. Details like minor tweaks to job descriptions or aesthetic changes to ads can wait.

  1. First Iteration: Launch with the basics. Collect feedback from candidates and hiring managers.

  2. Subsequent Iterations: Refine based on feedback. Add improvements that address actual needs and pain points.

By working iteratively, you ensure that each step is grounded in reality and aligned with your recruitment goals. This method is not only efficient but also minimizes the risk of misalignment between your efforts and market needs.

Conclusion: Embrace Practicality in Recruitment

Perfection is an illusion. Instead of chasing it, focus on delivering practical, effective solutions that meet your recruitment goals. Work quickly, prioritize feedback, and remember—good enough is often exactly what you need.

So, what are your experiences with striving for perfection in recruitment? Have you found that practical solutions yield better results? Let’s discuss!

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.