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Recruitment Tips: How to Collaborate with Designers

Posted On Monday, July 15, 2024

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

Collaborations in the recruitment world can be a rollercoaster—exciting and challenging all at once. Working with designers on a project can push your creative boundaries, but it might also test your patience. Let’s dive into some strategies for teaming up with designers and keeping your sanity intact during the process.

Choosing the Right Designer

Don’t just pick a designer because they’re a friend or because they asked nicely. There are important criteria to consider when choosing a collaboration partner.

First, ask yourself if this person will help you achieve something specific, either creatively or career-wise. If you’re a recruiter, your time is precious. Spending it on a collaboration that doesn’t add value to your portfolio or career isn’t wise.

Secondly, consider their skill set. Successful collaborations can happen between designers with similar or vastly different skills. What’s crucial is that your skills complement each other in a meaningful way.

Defining Your Contribution

A collaboration can be an equal effort, with all parties sharing responsibility. However, sometimes you might be asked to contribute something small but vital, like your expertise or network connections. Decide upfront how much you want to be involved in the process.

When I collaborate, I prefer to be actively engaged. For me, unless I’m involved in generating ideas, taking notes, or making revisions, it’s not as fulfilling. Choose the level of contribution that best suits your personality and goals.

Maintaining Quality

Any project you work on should enhance your portfolio. Early in my career, I collaborated with friends whose work didn’t meet my standards because I didn’t want to seem snobbish. The results were often disappointing, and I didn’t have as much creative input as I wanted.

If you’re unsure about the quality of the final product, it’s better to pass. Collaborations should make you proud, not leave you with regrets.

Handling Legal Issues

For major projects or those with potential for significant revenue or media attention, it’s crucial to outline compensation and other agreements. A contract can protect both you and your partner in any scenario. Plenty of resources are available to help you draft a contract that covers all bases.

Even if the collaboration is purely for creative purposes, unexpected success can change dynamics. One partner might feel shortchanged if the project becomes lucrative or gains fame. Addressing legal aspects early can prevent disputes and potential lawsuits.

Managing Emotional Responses

What happens when one partner receives more recognition than the other? This can lead to hurt feelings and resentment, potentially escalating to legal issues if the contract isn’t clear. Designers often have sensitive egos, so addressing emotional responses is crucial.

Creating a detailed outline of each person’s contributions can prevent disputes. If someone feels slighted, reminding them of the original agreement can help cool tensions. If issues persist, it might be best to avoid future collaborations with that person.

Wrapping It Up

Collaborations can be incredible opportunities to elevate your career and creative output. By choosing the right partner, defining contributions, maintaining quality, addressing legal issues, and managing emotional responses, you can make the most of your collaborative efforts and avoid potential pitfalls. Happy collaborating!

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

Over 4 years account management experience, working with developers, recruiters, marketers and pretty much anyone in the recruitment business that wants to connect. 


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