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The Recruiter's Guide to the Candidate Selection Object Model (CSOM)

Posted On Friday, October 11, 2024

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

Ever wondered what really happens between that first candidate application and the moment you tell your client, “I’ve found the perfect fit!”? Behind the scenes, it’s not just coffee and charisma; a whole process is at play, and one part of that process is something I like to call the Candidate Selection Object Model (or CSOM for short).

CSOM is the unsung hero in recruitment. It’s the invisible engine that turns a messy pile of resumes into a smooth hiring process. Much like how web browsers use the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) to render web pages, CSOM helps recruiters sift through candidates, making sense of it all so you can deliver those golden hires to your clients.

What Is the CSOM, Anyway?

Think of the Candidate Selection Object Model as a map. It organizes all the data—like resumes, cover letters, and candidate qualifications—into something you can easily navigate. Each candidate is a “selector” (like CSS), and their skills and experience are the “properties” attached to them. By mapping this out, CSOM makes it easier for recruiters to match the right candidates to the right jobs.

While you don’t need to be a recruitment guru to grasp CSOM, understanding how this invisible process works can make you a more efficient, organized recruiter.

Breaking Down the Process

CSOM is a lot like the Document Object Model (DOM) in web development, but instead of rendering HTML into a browser, we’re turning resumes into job matches. Both CSOM and DOM go through a series of steps to render something useful. In recruitment, these steps are crucial to making sense of candidate data and getting clients the perfect match without going cross-eyed in the process.

So, why is this important? Because CSOM is what keeps you from mistakenly sending a graphic designer to a data analyst job. It's the map that helps you navigate each candidate's unique qualifications, so you don’t get lost.

How Does CSOM Work?

Both the DOM and CSSOM are used by web browsers to display a page properly. In the recruitment world, CSOM works similarly. Here’s how it typically goes down:

  1. You receive a new job order from a client.
  2. You post the job and start receiving applications.
  3. CSOM comes into play as you begin reviewing resumes.
  4. Candidate qualifications are parsed and categorized—experience, education, skills, availability—all mapped out in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
  5. You begin the fun part: matching candidates to the job based on the structure CSOM has laid out.

And this all happens quickly, making you look like a recruitment rockstar. Just like how a web page is rendered in seconds, CSOM helps you process candidate data without breaking a sweat.

Why Should Recruiters Care About CSOM?

Just like web developers don’t need to stress about the backend rendering all the time, you don’t have to worry about CSOM on a daily basis. But knowing it’s there, and understanding how it works, can help you become a more efficient recruiter.

Remember, the CSOM has to be fully loaded before you make that final call to your client. If you were to jump the gun and present candidates before CSOM has properly organized them (aka before you've thoroughly vetted their qualifications), it could lead to confusion—like showing up with a graphic designer when they wanted a data analyst.

Also, CSOM doesn’t store old candidate data forever (just like CSSOM can’t be cached). Each time you open a job req, it’s a new process of parsing, sorting, and organizing, which keeps things fresh and accurate.

JavaScript and CSOM? Nah, More Like ATS and CSOM!

Okay, maybe we can’t manipulate CSOM like JavaScript can manipulate a DOM, but we have our own power tools—like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems help manage your CSOM flow and ensure you’ve got all the candidate data at your fingertips. You can filter, sort, and prioritize candidates with a few clicks, all thanks to the magic behind CSOM.

But don’t just rely on automation—knowing how the process works helps you appreciate just how complex recruitment really is. When you know what goes on behind the scenes, you can tweak and optimize how you approach candidate selection, making your process smoother and more successful.

The Bigger Picture

At the end of the day, CSOM is part of a larger recruitment ecosystem, just like CSSOM is part of a larger web development pipeline. When you understand a little bit more about how CSOM functions, it’s easier to appreciate how your role as a recruiter fits into the bigger picture. It’s not just about finding people; it’s about how you efficiently manage, organize, and ultimately present the best candidates in the shortest time possible.

Further Reading

If you’ve made it this far, congrats! You’re well on your way to mastering CSOM and improving your recruitment game. CSOM might not be something you can manipulate like you can with a DOM, but it’s still an essential tool that helps clarify the complex task of managing multiple candidates and clients.

The next time you’re knee-deep in resumes, take a moment to appreciate how your brain—and your ATS—are parsing through that data with the help of CSOM.

Author: Philip Sampson (Account Director)

Over 4 years account management experience, working with developers, recruiters, marketers and pretty much anyone in the recruitment business that wants to connect. 


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