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Why Recruiters Should Get Comfortable with the Command Line (Or Something Similar)

Posted On Monday, October 21, 2024

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

Alright, recruiters, buckle up! We're about to dive into the mysterious world of the command line—and, trust me, there’s a surprising lesson in it for you, even if you’ve never opened a terminal window in your life. Just like that black screen with the blinking cursor that scares the living daylights out of developers, there are recruitment tools, processes, and systems that seem equally daunting. But let’s crack open this recruitment treasure chest, and you’ll soon see why mastering new, unfamiliar tools is just as crucial for you as it is for developers to master the command line!

Think of the Command Line as Your ATS System

Developers sometimes avoid the command line like candidates avoid “Upload Resume” buttons that don’t auto-fill fields (ugh!). But just like a modern Applicant Tracking System (ATS), the command line is packed with powerful features that help manage and streamline operations.

You wouldn’t skip learning your ATS or CRM because it’s too complicated, right? Well, same goes for developers and their command line. Whether you’re sourcing passive candidates or pushing a code update, knowing how to get in and control your environment—be it tech tools or recruitment software—is a game changer.

The "NPM for Recruiters" – AKA, Sourcing Tools

Ever heard a developer grumbling about “NPM installs”? Well, NPM (Node Package Manager) is like a recruiter’s LinkedIn Recruiter Seat or your favorite sourcing tool. It’s a must-learn. While developers are installing packages to boost their workflow, you’re installing Chrome extensions, Boolean search strings, and custom filters. Sure, you might not be typing "npm install" into a terminal window, but each new sourcing tool you adopt is your version of that command.

Git Version Control & Candidate Pipelines

Git is like the version control system of code, allowing developers to work on different versions, branch out, merge, and—yes—recover when things go wrong (sound familiar?). In recruitment, this is akin to managing your candidate pipelines, keeping track of different versions of a candidate's profile, their stage in the hiring process, or even rolling back after a bad call.

Mastering Git for developers is like mastering candidate tracking and follow-ups for recruiters. It’s not always glamorous, but it’s essential. And sometimes, you’ll thank the system when things go wrong!

Frontend, Backend, and Your Recruitment Stack

Just like developers have frontend and backend technologies, recruiters have their own "stack"—a mix of tools for sourcing, interviewing, onboarding, and managing candidates. From email tools to your CRM, knowing how each piece of tech fits into your workflow is just as important as a developer knowing how Gulp automates tasks or how Sass compiles CSS. Your tech stack defines how smoothly you work, and command over it is essential.

Automation Tools – Your Gulp & Grunt

Speaking of automation, developers use tools like Gulp and Grunt to simplify tedious coding tasks. Now imagine you have the same thing in recruitment: automated job postings, follow-ups, or email sequencing. If you don’t embrace these tools, you’ll be left behind, bogged down by manual processes. Just as developers lean on their command line automation, you can use your automation tools to work smarter, not harder.

Local Development & Virtual Interviews

Developers setting up a local backend environment with Node.js? Think of that as prepping for a virtual interview setup—getting Zoom or Microsoft Teams ready, scheduling times, and making sure your internet won’t crash mid-interview. A little prep goes a long way for both developers and recruiters. Just like developers use local servers to test their code, you need your virtual “environment” running smoothly for interviews, assessments, or even virtual job fairs.

Moving Forward – The Future is Command Line (Or Data-Driven)

In recruitment, the future is data-driven. Just as developers rely on command-line tools to access the power of open-source software, recruiters need to lean into analytics. Whether it’s improving your outreach based on data or understanding where your candidates are dropping off in the funnel, having command over your recruitment metrics will make you a powerhouse.

In the end, whether you're a developer wrestling with the command line or a recruiter wrangling your tech stack, one thing is clear: the tools you master today will shape your success tomorrow. So next time you feel intimidated by a new tool or process, remember—it's just your version of the command line, and mastering it will only make you better at what you do!

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.